Like conventional thinkers, unconventional thinkers need mentors in order to grow and expand, to teach them what their gifts are, and to help them hone them. The problem is that they can’t find such mentors within Continue Reading
It is often said that to live a positive life, you need to surround yourself with positive things and people. But the big question is how can you expect to live a positive life if you are surrounded by negativity? Continue Reading
In order to believe in something’s existence, you must also believe there is an opposite. If you want to know what something feels like when it is wet, it is helpful to know what that same object feels like when it Continue Reading
Relationship is defined simply as a state of being connected. This connection, as we all know branches out to various forms: spiritual relationship, platonic relationship and romantic relationship among others. In Continue Reading
Conventional thinkers would say that success is the finished product of hard work, talent, ambition, wisdom, discipline, persistence and luck. But is that all that there’s into it? True success is not all about Continue Reading
Many spiritual teachers believe that we choose our parents and families, as well as the lessons we intend to learn, before we come into this existence. As such, the families to which we are born are the perfect Continue Reading
A person who is at cause in his life knows that he creates his own destiny. He realizes that he is responsible for what his actions may bring. A person who is a victim of life thinks that life happens to him. A Continue Reading
One of the most common questions children often hear is, What do you want to be when you grow up? A child who grew up in a family of doctors or lawyers might say, “I want to be a doctor like my dad.” The Continue Reading
The way conventional thinkers and unconventional thinkers perceive things are different in so many ways. Unconventional thinkers dig deeper into what can be seen by the naked eyes. They see failures as opportunities Continue Reading
Education is important for everyone. It gives you power. As Nelson Mandela aptly puts it – “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” We’ve said that a good education is Continue Reading
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