Relationship is defined simply as a state of being connected. This connection, as we all know branches out to various forms: spiritual relationship, platonic relationship and romantic relationship among others.
In my book “What is Your Roadblock to Fulfillment,” I define relationship as the dynamic or interaction between two individuals. However, you also have specific dynamics with groups like your entire family or your community.
But even if an individual also falls within a larger unit, the energy exchanged one on one with that individual is different from the exchange with him or her as a part of the unit. In other words, your wife is part of your family. But in the area of relationships, we’re looking at how you and she relate to each other as individuals, both in public and private, and not just the roles you play in the family unit.
Often we think of relationships as friends and family, maybe including co-workers or people that we know well. But you are in relationship in every single one on one interaction, no matter how fleeting. You have a relationship with the woman at the airport check-in counter and the kid who fills your order at Starbucks, your long-term clients, as well as the person you interviewed for a position in your company that did not get hired. Relationships can last for decades or minutes, but they are still valid energy exchanges that reveal your patterns and barriers to growth.
But often, it’s our most intimate relationships that get our attention. A shop clerk can be argumentative and you might forget about it within minutes, probably missing whatever learning that encounter could have provided. But when your spouse or children continually cross you, it’s not as easy to ignore.
We’re almost forced to confront ourselves or risk losing the relationship altogether. It’s the same in many relationships on the job. You can walk away from a rude taxi driver, but it’s hard to brush off a co-worker who is inconsiderate day in and day out.
So our more constant and intimate relationships give us opportunity – and more ammunition – for our self-discovery.