Many people attribute success to hardwork, perseverance and determination. American statesman Colin Powell once said that “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning Continue Reading
Relationship is defined simply as a state of being connected. This connection, as we all know branches out to various forms: spiritual relationship, platonic relationship and romantic relationship among others. In Continue Reading
Many spiritual teachers believe that we choose our parents and families, as well as the lessons we intend to learn, before we come into this existence. As such, the families to which we are born are the perfect Continue Reading
From the time we are born, the very first relationship we have is that of our family. Our world evolves around our mother, father, siblings and other relatives and caregivers who show us love and affection. As we Continue Reading
Money has always been a gauge on how far you have gone in life. Your success meter greatly depends on how much money you have in the bank, how big your car is or how grand is your house. We all tend to use money Continue Reading
Now that the holidays are upon us, we start hearing the jokes about spending time with our families. Some people are excited to spend time with their loved ones, while others would rather have a root canal. If you Continue Reading
The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, spending time with family and friends. But for many people, this time of year represents the most stressful period of the year due to the lack of understanding of Continue Reading
Our personality types determine in part how we process the world, and most human beings assume – incorrectly – that others are processing the world exactly as they process it. If you look at the members of most Continue Reading
Your career is much more than just your job – or it should be. It’s more than just how you make a living at any point in time. It’s a way of life. What we do for a living is within a much larger energy flow and Continue Reading
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